Formula is an essential food source and families shouldn’t be penalised for using it - in the health service, in society or at the till. Formula for Change was launched to smash the stigma around formula feeding and to make sure families have access to affordable formula and unbiased formula feeding information and support.
It’s time for change.
dream team
We have partnered with Metro UK to create Formula for Change, and are calling on the UK Government to allow families to buy infant formula using cash equivalent methods, such as store points, vouchers, and gift cards.
This small change would help alleviate the financial pressures on families, and help smash the stigma associated with this essential food.
Action Formula for Change
Empower women with informed feeding choices
Repeal policies which prevent women’s access to fair and balanced information about ALL feeding methods. Revise all infant feeding messaging within UK healthcare settings so it meets the established standards of patient-centred communication applied to all other forms of healthcare, accurately and impartially presenting risks, benefits, challenges and solutions to enable pregnant and post-partum women to make their own informed choices during their infant feeding journeys.
Remove barriers to affordable and accessible formula
Remove restrictions which prevent families accessing formula in ways that save them money through, for instance, permitting price reductions and discounting, as well as the use of loyalty points and vouchers. Make clear that the distribution of infant formula from food banks and other emergency suppliers is both legal and life-saving for many families.
Transform the infant formula market to make it fair for families
Promote information on the nutritional equivalence of all infant formulas and support the development of high-quality, affordable alternative supplies, ending the outsourcing of infant formula to large multinationals which exist to make substantial profits from women’s choices and which exploit the shame and guilt many women feel around formula use.