Our publications
Explore the Feed library, packed with comprehensive reports, engaging infographics, and considerate letters, all aimed at enhancing infant feeding practice and policy. Our collection underscores our dedication to improving maternal and infant health and wellbeing through research-driven support.
Feed Publications
McNee R, Murphy C and Williams EJ. (2024) Out of Milk: The impact of food insecurity on infant feeding in the UK. Feed Report; Oct 2024
McNee R, Williams EJ, Maia S and Walker K. (2022) Access to infant formula for babies living in food poverty in the UK: An investigation of the role of food and baby banks. Feed Report; May 2022
McNee R, Williams, EJ, Maia S and Walker K. (2020) The provision of infant formula at food banks in the UK: Ensuring a fair for all approach to protect the health and wellbeing of formula fed infants and their families. Feed Review; Dec 2020.
Scottish Government (2024). Guide to Responding to and Preventing Infant Food Insecurity in Scotland. Scottish Government Policy, Feb 2024. (McNee R and Williams EJ, Co-authors).
McNee R and Williams EJ. (2024) Helping families who need infant formula: guidance for food and baby banks. Feed Guidance, Feb 2024.
McNee R, Maia S, Wishart K and Williams EJ. (2019) Provision of infant formula: guidance for food and baby banks. Feed Guidance, May 2019 - Feb 2024.
Feed Response to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Infant Feeding and Inequalities Inquiry (June 2018).
Joint Letter to UK supermarkets calling for the display of public health information on infant formula at the point of sale. (May 2023).
Joint Letter to leading food provision charities asking them to review their formula provision policies (Dec 2022).
McNee R and Williams EJ. (2022) Rising cost of living’s effect on infant feeding. BMJ 2022;377:o1459 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.o1459 Published 15 June 2022. Letter of the Week.
McNee R, Maia S, Wishart K and Williams EJ. (2020) Food banks and formula: maximising support for families in need. BMJ 2020;371:m4841. doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m4841. Published 18 December 2020. Rapid Response.
McNee R, Maia S, Wishart K and Williams EJ. (2020) Re: Food banks and infant formula: who knows best? BMJ 2020;371:m4449. doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m4449 Published 16 November 2020. Rapid Response.
McNee R, Maia S, Wishart K, Murphy C, Gold D, Flecher-Horn D and Williams EJ. (2020). Re: Fears grow of nutritional crisis in lockdown UK. BMJ 2020;370:m3193. doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3193 Published 20 August 2020. Rapid Response.
Feed Letter to the Baby Feeding Law Group Members urging them to reconsider support for BFLG guidance for foodbanks that advises against providing formula (Jan 2020).
Williams EJ, Maia S, McNee R, Wishart K, Murphy C and Cannon E. (2019) Reducing the environmental impact of formula must not jeopardise women’s reproductive rights. BMJ 2019;367:l6328. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l6328 Published 06 November 2019. Rapid Response.
Feed Letter to the UK Health Secretary urging the government to safeguard supplies of infant formula and ensure formula prices will not rise post-Brexit (Mar 2019).
Feed and BPAS Briefing on the provision of formula at food banks (Jan 2019).
Colostrum Kit Leaflet linking to guide for Mums on how to express and store colostrum.
Quick reference guide on the process for supporting families who need formula. From ‘Helping families who request formula: guidance for food and baby banks’.
Feed Presentations
McNee R and Williams EJ. (2023) Securing the right to food for infants: exploring the lived experience of families with infants in accessing formula milk. RCPCH Conference – Child Health in a Changing World; Archives of Disease in Childhood; 108:A82.
McNee RE, Hetherington L, Frank L, Douglas F and Williams EJ. A scoping review of infant food insecurity in Forth Valley: challenges of breastfeeding and formula feeding when food insecure (2023). British Medical Association Public Health Medicine Conference 2023: Tackling Twenty-First Century Poverty, March 2023.
McNee R and Williams EJ. (2021) When Policy creates inequality: review and development of foodbank guidelines. Women’s Medical Federation Spring Conference, May 2021.
McNee R and Williams EJ. (2023) Infant feeding and food insecurity: securing the Right to Food for all. Parenting culture and feeding babies: a one-day symposium, University of Kent, May 2023.
McNee R, Maia S, Wishart K and Williams EJ. (2022) Securing the right to food: addressing maternal and infant food insecurity in Scotland. All Party Parliamentary Group on Infant Feeding and Inequalities, February 7th 2023.
McNee R, Williams EJ, Frank L and Douglas F. (2022) Securing the right to food: addressing maternal and infant food insecurity in Scotland. Scottish Government Joint Poverty and Inequalities Commission & Children’s Commission Quarterly Meeting, October 5th 2022.
Watch Erin's presentation at the Parenting Culture and Feeding Babies symposium, held at the University of Kent, 25 May 2023. Erin's presentation starts at 25 minutes.