
How do you do it?

Are you the Botticelli Babe bathing in blooms, or the Bleary–Eyed Belle who’s blotchy from blubbering? 

Chances are you’re both, neither and a whole lot more in between, because breastfeeding comes in many guises. It often doesn’t seem like that though because social media presents us with a snapshot of the best and worst of breastfeeding. The ordinary, everyday experience is harder to find because it’s, well, ordinary

At Feed, we want to celebrate the ordinary. The normal, usual, standard, typical, common, everyday experiences of breastfeeding in all the forms it takes. We want to support women to be confident and comfortable breastfeeding in public so for us this means making breastfeeding unremarkable; so damn common-or-garden that nobody ever bats an eye at a rogue boob again.

Be it on the move, on the loo, while acting as a climbing frame for the siblings or just simply sitting on the sofa flicking through Netflix, this is breastfeeding. So, join us in sharing your everyday experience of breastfeeding, whether it be Botticelli, blotchy or bog standard.

Get your daily feed up on your daily feed and show the world that #ThisIsBreastfeeding.