#TeamFeed is a community of like minded people who put the heart of infant feeding with families. We have a special group, the Feed Advocates, who help us ensure that the voice of mums and families is in everything we do. We work together to ensure our community is represented at the national level through our advocacy work.

Each of our advocates has their own unique infant feeding experiences that ensure we are always thinking outside the box.

Become an Advocate

  • Feel passionately about infant feeding and are willing to share their experiences and opinions.

  • To develop a group of Feed Advocates in order to input into our research, policy, and advocacy work.

  • Attendance to in person or online advocate meetings. Reviewing of research proposals, recommendations and policy documents. Aid with communication and reach.

  • This is a voluntary role. Advocates are encouraged to maintain a portfolio of their time with Feed to evidence and record their work. Depending on the task, small financial reimbursements for time will be given.

  • You do not need any formal qualifications to apply. Just a desire to make things better.

  • Complete the form below to note your interest.


Become an Advocate

If you are interested in becoming a Feed Advocate, please complete the form below and tell us why you would like to volunteer.

Role Description

Feed Advocate

Feed Advocate Group is a Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group to help Feed ensure the work being undertaken represents things that are important to mums and families. Feed relies on input from its advocate group to help direct research, outputs, policies, and lobbying work.


As a member of the Feed Advocate group, you will be working alongside the Feed members, board, and other advocates. You will receive a formal induction and welcome to the team. Following this other responsibilities may include reviewing and discussing research, policies and articles, contributing to recommendations and aiding in disseminating the information. We may also hold round table events, or panels where you will be asked to contribute to discussions around your experiences of infant feeding.


The responsibilities of the advocacy group will change and develop over time, with thanks to the input of those involved. However, we do expect the following responsibilities to be the kind of things the advocates will be involved in:

  • Discussing and sharing your own experiences with infant feeding in order to input into Feed work.

  • Review and input into Feed research proposals to determine if we are asking the right questions.

  • Review Feed policies & guidelines to ensure they are fit for purpose and meet the needs of those who they will effect.

  • To review and collaborate on new messages shared on social media, website and press releases to ensure the messages are clear and appropriate.

  • There maybe occasion where Feed advocates are asked to take part in training events, media events and research events in person.


You do not need any formal qualifications to be a Feed Advocate. What we do ask is that you have experience of infant feeding. Our advocates are mainly parents, but we do also offer spaces to professionals who bring other knowledge and expertise. The experience you have does not have to be recent, for example your children maybe grown up, but you may have a particular insight into your local community, or on a particular infant feeding topic you feel is under represented. It would be beneficial for the Feed Advocate to have access to emails and a way to join group meetings online.

Compensation & Benefits

The Feed Advocate role is a voluntary role, however, we recognise there will be times when a small reimbursement or expense cover will be required. This amount will vary depending on the type of activity you will be asked to take part in.

All Feed Advocates will be asked if they wish to have access to a Feed Portfolio. This is a way of collating projects the advocates have been involved in. It gives advocates an opportunity to gain skills of reflective practice and develop a portfolio of work owned by each advocate.