Infant Feeding Day 2022: #FeedItForward

My wonderful auntie has a philosophy she lives by; the pot of good deeds. She believes if we all put into the pot, then it will be full whenever anyone needs to take out. At #TeamFeed we are strong believers in the pot, it is the pay it forward attituded that has served us all well throughout the years of motherhood and sisterhood! So this Infant Feeding Day, we want to share some of the ways we can pay into the pot so that other Mums may benefit, with our #FeedItForward Infant Feeding Day 2022!

#FeedItForward: Knowledge

At #TeamFeed we have a few bairns between us and, let me tell you, it has taken us a while to learn the tricks of the trade! We didn’t have all the knacks and the know-hows straight away, but have picked up a few gems along the way. Some of those tips we have shared with you on Feed pages, and in our blogs; from premaking formula, to surviving the scary first night home with your baby. Sharing our feeding tips is a great way to laugh about mishaps and forge friendships! So please, share your knowledge on Infant Feeding Day and #FeedItForward

#FeedItForward: Equipment

Without wanting to get all doom and gloom, the current financial climate is shite; the cost of living is through the roof. Throw into that the environmental catastrophe that rapidly approaches and there has never been a better time to think second hand. If everyone who can, donates when they can, then that pot swells with generosity and will be ready for anyone to dip into when needed. There are loads of ways to pay forward your baby things, from facebook groups to donating to baby banks. Consider donating breast pumps, sterilisers, nipple creams, breast pads, bottles, muslins or formula. Look for local baby banks near you.

#FeedItForward: Time

Our final #FeedItForward is for your time. The most precious commodity of all! Don’t forget to take 5 minutes to check in with yourself (no one can pour from an empty jug) and check in with your pals. Mothering is hard and sometimes even when surrounded by other people, it can be incredibly lonely. Taking 5 minutes to ask how someone is doing might be exactly what that Mama needed. We are always here at #TeamFeed for anyone as a sounding board and as a sister!

Happy Infant Feeding Day

#TeamFeed x

Team Feed

The independent charity that puts women and families at the heart of infant feeding #bottlesboobsortubes

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