Find a food or baby bank
If you’re struggling financially at the moment and need a little extra support, our resources below can help you find local organisations, and other resources, that might help.
We work in an advisory capacity to Food & Baby banks.
We do not accept donations of or provide formula directly.
Find your nearest food or baby bank.
All organisations on our map offer direct provision of infant formula for formula fed babies in food poverty.
Long term support
Following the immediate access of food. Find further long term support options here.
Add a food or baby bank to the map
If you are aware of any food or baby banks, or other organisations in your local area (or beyond) who support families in need, please submit their details for inclusion on our map. The more resources we have, the more we can help each other.
We work in an advisory capacity to Food & Baby banks.
We do not provide formula directly.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Only complete this form if you PROVIDE formula milk. If you are in NEED then follow this link. Names and contact details provided below are added to our public map in order for families in need to directly contact local providers.
Guidelines for Food & Baby Banks
Link to our guidelines for the third sector to help in the safe provision of first infant formula milk to formula fed infants in need.
Advice on Food Insecurity & Infant Feeding
Find here links to advice for professionals and families who are food insecure and have infants.