
Campaigning to maximise access to first infant formula to support babies living in food poverty who are wholly, or partially formula fed.


Feed support the immediate, direct provision of first infant formula (stage 1) to families in need, alongside signposting to further services where required.


Your support can make all the difference.

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Our work with Glasgow North Baby Foodbank

In 2019 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde stopped Health Visitors from referring families to the Glasgow North Baby Foodbank for provision of infant formula citing UNICEF UK guidelines.

The result? Barriers to accessing infant formula for formula feeding families in need, placing vulnerable babies at risk.

Feed Inquiry, May 2022

Access to infant formula for babies living in food poverty in the UK

An investigation of the role of food and baby banks

Feed Guidelines

Formula provision from food and baby banks in the UK


We have worked with key stakeholders, including food and baby bank service users, staff and volunteers, health care providers and organisations that support women and babies to develop clear, safe guidelines for food and baby banks on the provision of infant formula for formula fed babies.

Feed Review, Dec 2020

The provision of infant formula at food banks in the UK

Ensuring a fair for all approach to protect the health and wellbeing of formula fed infants and their families

Your support can make all the difference.