how much formula to feed your baby
Most full-term babies need between 150ml and 200ml of formula per kilogram of their body weight a day. However, this is an average so can greatly vary; some babies will drink more, others less. It’s perfectly normal for the volume of milk taken to vary at each feed, after all, we don’t eat the exact same amount of food at every meal! So, instead of trying to feed a fixed amount, it’s best to let your baby regulate their intake. Paced feeding can help your baby tell you when their tummy is full. Remember, babies are small but double their size in the first year of life (incredible). They have very small stomachs which fill up quickly but need refuelling regularly.
Is my baby drinking enough milk?
Worrying about whether your baby is drinking enough milk is a very common concern, regardless of how your baby is fed (believe us, we’ve all been there!).
In general, gaining weight and peeing frequently are two pretty good signs that they are getting what they need. From a few days old, your baby will have a wet nappy, on average, six times a day. Other reassuring signs you can look out for are wet looking inner lip, this is a sign your baby is well hydrated.
However, as always, we recommend you discuss any concerns with your Health Visitor or GP.
If your baby is showing any signs of dehydration, please take them to be medically assessed. Signs of dehydration include:
Dry nappies
Dark yellow urine
Dry mouth
Lack of tear production when crying
Sunken eyes