Feed launch public inquiry into barriers to accessing infant formula
At the end of 2020 Feed, supported by Aber Necessities, launched an inquiry into the accessibility of first infant formula for those experiencing food poverty or insecurity.
Following the results of our 2020 review of formula access routes, which highlighted a number of issues resulting in barriers to accessing formula for many families, we wanted to undertand the reality of those with lived experience of this problem.
We wanted to hear from food and baby bank service users, staff and volunteers and health and social care professionals who work in partnership with, or refer families to third sector support organisations.
The inquiry aimed to gather experiences and information focusing on the ability of families facing food insecurity to access infant formula milk and the impact of this on the health, well-being and finances of formula feeding families.
We were overwhelmed with the response and thank everyone who participated. We massively appreciated people taking the time to share their experiences and expertise with us, thank you.
We had over 170 responses and, following a comprehensive, Academic level analysis, guided by experts, we published the results in Spring 2022.