Feed participate in ScotGov Round Table on infant food insecurity

After presenting our research to the Joint meeting of the Poverty and Inequalities Commission, and the Children and Young Persons Commission in October 2022, Feed participated in the Scottish Government round table. The workshop was described by Scottish Government in their summary report as:

An initial stakeholder round table discussion………….which aimed to continue to raise awareness of the unique needs for babies under one and the role of all sectors in developing multi-agency and multi-faceted approaches to protect and promote infant health through nutrition and diet, as advocated for by Unicef UK and the World Health Organisation, to better understand the scale and nature of infant food insecurity in Scotland, and to begin to build a picture of local responses and support currently in place.

We presented a summary slide of our research and participated in in-depth discussions focused on identifying the needs of families with infants and how we can make progress towards supporting families and eradicating infant food insecurity in Scotland. A second event, including wider stakeholders was planned for June 2023.

Team Feed

The independent charity that puts women and families at the heart of infant feeding #bottlesboobsortubes


Feed present our research at Public Health Medicine conference


Metro: Costly, hidden away and forbidden in food banks: The baby formula crisis that doesn’t add up