Sky News: Where to get help if you're struggling to buy baby formula

Sky News has published a guide for families can turn to for help. In the piece they highlighted Feed’s work on this issue.

Families can seek support via:

The piece also highlighted the Public Health guidance that all first infant formula meet the same nutritional standard, so the least expensive brands is just as nutritious as the most expensive brand. It also cautioned against dangerous feeding practices such as watering down formula, or replacing formula with inappropriate milks or foods.

If you are a parent with a young baby, or someone who works with parents with young babies, and would like further support or guidance, please see our resources on infant feeding and food insecurity.

Team Feed

The independent charity that puts women and families at the heart of infant feeding #bottlesboobsortubes

Sky News: Feed’s Erin Williams ‘We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg’


Feed host Professor Lesley Frank at Edinburgh University