Feed FOI NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

On 26th August 2020, under the Freedom of Information Act (Scotland) 2002, we made a Freedom of Information request to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde for the the following information:

  • Internal correspondence relating to the December 2019 decision of NHS GGC to direct Health Visitors to stop referrals to Springburn Baby Bank. 

  • Internal meeting minutes relating to the December 2019 decision of NHS GGC to direct Health Visitors to stop referrals to Springburn Baby Bank, if any.

  • Internal guidance to Health Visitors regarding the referral of individuals to food banks / baby banks which provide infant formula, if any. 

We followed up on 22nd October and again on 11th May 2021, and we eventually received a response on 13th August 2021 - 352 days after our initial request.

Team Feed

The independent charity that puts women and families at the heart of infant feeding #bottlesboobsortubes


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