Feed publish analysis on current guidelines and routes of access to formula

Aware of rising numbers of families living in food poverty, and the associated risks to infants when families can’t afford formula, we undertook a comprehensive review of access to infant formula across the UK.

Our aim was to highlight any barriers or risks associated with the current practice and to provide evidence based recommendations for a way forward. The review highlighted a number of inadequacies with the current provision routes, inequity of access to formula for vulnerable groups, and difficulties faced by some third sector organisations due to inadequate guidelines. Together this has resulted in a post code lottery of infant formula provision across the country meaning some babies are going without.

Our recommendations pave the way to addressing the inequity faced by formula feeding families living in poverty in accessing formula for their babies.

Team Feed

The independent charity that puts women and families at the heart of infant feeding #bottlesboobsortubes


Baby Feeding Law Group withdraw Information for Food Banks


Grazia: ‘A Parent In Poverty Can Get The Food Their Five Year Old Needs But Not The Food Their Five-Month-Old Baby Needs