Feed, BPAS, NAT and others write to the Trussell Trust

Together with BPAS, NAT and other co-signatories, we wrote to the Trussell Trust to ask them to rethink their policy not to accept donations of, or distribute, infant formula.

The Trussell Trust had found that foodbank usage increased by 13% between April and September 2018 and expected useage to further rise by up 52% in areas which experiencing the introduction of Universal Credit.

With formula being one of the most expensive food items, and following the worrying findings of the APPGIFI formula costs inquiry, we felt that it was important to maximise access to formula for babies living in food poverty, and that food banks should be supported in helping all members of the family, including formula fed babies.

Team Feed

The independent charity that puts women and families at the heart of infant feeding #bottlesboobsortubes


UNICEF UK: Infosheet on the Provision of Infant Formula at Foodbanks


Feed write to Matt Hancock (again)