UNICEF UK: Infosheet on the Provision of Infant Formula at Foodbanks

In May 2019, UNICEF UK updated their 2014 statement . The new guidance - Infosheet - added some additional context to their recommendations and softened the language a bit. Instead of stating thatt

Formula milk should NOT be given to the mother for her infant as it may not be the most appropriate type and may cause the baby harm.

UNICEF UK instead altered the recommendation to read

Food banks do not accept or distribute donations of infant formula for babies.

This statement was updated again in 2020 and 2022, and supplemented with the Guidance for Local Authorities and Health Boards on supporting families with infants under 12 months experiencing food insecurity at the end of 2022.

Team Feed

The independent charity that puts women and families at the heart of infant feeding #bottlesboobsortubes


Feed, BPAS and NAT meet the Trussell Trust


Feed, BPAS, NAT and others write to the Trussell Trust